Version 1.16.0

The core package of Gila CMS



Fix display of default images
Include upload-media input type
Session cookie changed to Lax
Show logo thumbnail in login pages
Security updates


New test file UserTest.php added
Prioritize page created from theme homepage.php
Session files wont be saved in open directory


Removed deprecated methods
Updated the page builder
Security fixes
The rewrite module now is required in apache server
Update browser history when administration tables are filtered


Removed blocks package
Only admin can access log files
Admin can delete user and postcategory


Page builder: added inline buttons to edit blocks
Page builder is the default editor of page content
More widgets added in blocks package
Added description filed on pages
Support input type range in fields
Database charset upgraded to utf8mb4
Text editor includes the emojis plugin
Security: Avoid SQL injection from content filters


Security: Avoid stored XSS from user registration


Role levels: users have more restrictions based on their maximum role level
User sessions are displayed in a different page from user profile settings.
New class: UserNotification can be used to create notifications for users


Added admin themes
New widget: core-counters
Security update: purify html from editors


Hide contents of folders src, themes, vendor, lib
Modals hide the page scrollbar when are displayed


menu hover dropdown replaced with click
select table rows
added option_colors and actions for table schema
changed style of modals
lazy load animations
enchanted search for tables
removed access to database


Routes are using preg match
On development, package assets can be refreshed with a button


New users can be activated from an activation code if set
User can upload photo
Settings do change without refreshing the page


Fixed the menu editing page
Endpoint /lzld/thumb can return svg file


Session file is removed when user creates new session


Fixed an error with asset directories
The old packages and themes directory is cleaned up on upgrades
All static files are copied and reden from assets/ directory
Big refacture on the code (renaming classes, methods, etc)
Note: after upgrading this package, upgrade all the others, and the theme


Revert upload folder to assets


Uploads are saved in a non public folder
Table schemas can extend other tables
Fixed paragraphs bug in widgets
Allow CORS from configuration


List of cross origin resource sharing can be set at config file
List of trusted domains can be set at config file
Updated german language
Managers can be set to users

Support of template engines
File management is restricted in less folders and file types

Fixed bulk select problem in table administration
In registry edit, rows of child table can be created after registry save

Created the upload csv tool for content tables
Support for replicated databases

Added more languages
Added blocks: cards, side-image in package blocks
Fixed the reset password form
On package download it will run the update only if is active

Security updates
A new folder is created in media gallery every month

Can remove folders from media gallery

User can logout from other devices

Add page title to categories and tag pages
Pages can use admin template
Updated facebook comments package
Added block editor package
Fix error uploading images

Deny access to non admin in some pages
Enable CORS on settings

Security updates
Bugfixes of post categories

User can create a generic use token from admin/profile
Many CSRF vulnerabilities fixed with cm endpoint
Webp images can be displayed as thumbnails in administration
Not allowewd svg uploads for security

Uploaded images can autoresize with maximum dimensions
Max image width and heigth is set on admin/settings
Added accesses to editor role: pages, menus, widgets
Added portuguese language
On installation fields are filtered for xss input
Fixed access to media files for multisites
Added canonical link for blog/category

Load faster the pages of content administration

Safer upload and edit for phoos and files
Thumbnail display of posts at administration
Added more translations in german, spanish, french and estonian
Fixed a bug that was not generated the post slug

Avoid local file inclusion by reading files below the installation folder
Avoid xss attack from uploaded filenames
Cm endpoints return hear with content type json
Cm api accepts multiqueries (list,list_rows,describe)

Avoid local file inclusion by reading files below the installation folder
Avoid xss attack from uploaded filenames
Api: cm endpoints return hear with content type json
Api: cm api accepts multiqueries (list,list_rows,describe)

Themes support block editor with correct styling
Add template field for pages
Remove some warnings

Cannot upload a non media file at assets
Fix db backup bug
Widgets are more safe from xss attacks
Only main site can access file manager and phpinfo
Added popup_edit command for table schemas

Dont show error when controller is not found
Remove warnings on installation
Close pop up dialogs by clicking outside of them
Tmp media filenames are saved with their folders

Website favicon can be added
New page: /admin/theme_options
Added icons for default widgets
Updated post-category widget
Multisite support

Reuse the default form token
Added media tabs
Added sendmail event


Added german translation
Upgraded package and theme lists
Can inject functions after controller construction
Can inject functions as new controller actions
Can replace actions
Can inject functions before actions
Can add routes of static paths
Controllers can have different name from their class
Themes can have parent theme
Install folder moved to src/core/
Added cm controller as content management api
gila::dir($path) creates folder if does not exist


The first release of Gila CMS
Blog controller is by default.
Support installation/activation/options of plugins and themes.


The packages change or add a funcionality in you installation. For more information, see the documentation.

From the blog