Class View

Have methods that outputs the HTML

set () — (static) Sets a parameter from a controller action that can be used later from View file.

Parameters - $param:string The parameter name. - $value:(mixed) The value.

meta () — — (static) Sets a meta value that is printed later from View::head ().

Parameters - $meta:string The meta name. - $value:string The value.

stylesheet () — — (static) Adds a new stylesheet link that is printed later from View::head ().

Parameters - $href:string The href attribute from the link.

script () — (static) Adds a new script to be included in the output HTML.

Parameters - $script:string The src attribute from the script. - $prop:string (optional) A property for the script.

getThemePath () — (static) Returns the path of the current theme.

head() — (static) Prints all the head information in <head> tag.

Parameters - $meta:Array (optional) Meta values to be printed.


  'twitter:image:src'=> '',
  'og:image'=> ''

getViewFile () — (static) Returns the path of a file inside theme or package folder. Return false if file is not found.

  • $file:string The file path.

  • $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

setViewFile () — (static) Overrides the path of a View file.

Parameters - $file:string The file path. - $package:string The package folder where the file is located.

Example: View::setViewFile(‘admin/settings.php’,’new-package’); /* src/new-package/Views/admin/settings.php overrides themes/my-theme/admin/settings.php src/core/Views/admin/settings.php */

render () — (static) Prints the View file adding the header.php and footer.php from theme.

Parameters - $file:string The file path. - $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

renderAdmin () — (static) Prints the View file adding the admin/header.php and admin/footer.php from theme.

Parameters - $file:string The file path. - $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

renderFile () — (static) Prints the view file without header and footer.

Parameters - $file:string The file path. - $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

includeFile () — (static) Prints a partial view file.

Parameters - $file:string Relative path of the View file. - $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

setViewFile () — (static) Overrides a View file. Overrides file from any package or the theme.

Parameters - $file:string Relative path of the View file. - $package:string (optional) The package folder where the file is located if is not found in theme folder.

menu () — (static) Displays a menu.

Parameters - $menu:string (optional) Name of the menu. - $tpl:string (optional) The View template to generate html.


View::menu('mainmenu', 'tpl/menu.php');

widgetArea () — (static) Prints the widgets of a specific area.

Parameters - $area:string The widget area name. - $div:bool (optional) Also print or not the widget inside a <div> tag with its title. Default=true

getWidgetArea () — (static) Returns the widgets of a specific area.

Parameters - $area:string The widget area name.



getWidgetBody () — (static) Returns the body of a widget type.

Parameters - $type:string Name of the widget type - $widget_data:array (optional) The data to be used - $widget_file:string (optional) Alternative wiget View file

img () — (static) Returns the html markup for an image or thumbnail image

Parameters - $src:string The path of original image. - $prefix:string (optional) The prefix name of the thumbnail. Default=’’ - $max:integer (optional) The maximum dimension of the thumbnail in pixels. Default=180


View::img('assets/image.png', 'md/', 500);

// for images in private folders, preix is not used, so you can skip it View::img(‘data/uploads/image.png’, 500);

thumb () — (static) Returns the path of a thumbnail image of specified dimensions. If thumbnail does not exist it will create one.

Parameters - $src:string The path of original image. - $prefix:string (optional) The prefix name of the thumbnail. Default=’’ - $max:int (optional) The maximum width or height of thumbnail in pixels. Default=180

thumbStack () — (static) Returns path to revisioned stucked image and the list of stucked photos. If image does not exist it will be created on the fly.

Parameters - $src_array:Array The images to stack. - $file:string The name of the stucked image. It must have png extension. - $max:int (optional) The maximum width or height of thumbnails in pixels.


$img = [“image1.png”,”image2.png”]; list($file,$stacked) = View::thumbStack($img, “tmp/stacked_file.png”,80);

/* Returned values

$file: tmp/stacked_file.png?12

$stacked[0]: [“src”=>”image1.png”,”src_width”=>200,”src_height”=>1”width”=>80,”height”=>60,”type”=>2,”top”=>0]

$stacked[1]: false (2nd image was not stacked) */

thumbSrcset () — (static) Returns an array of resized versions of an image

Parameters - $src:string The image path - $sizes:int array (optional) The maximum sizes in pixels